Wednesday 15 January 2020

Zurich Zoo




The zoo on the Zürichberg is home to more than 340 animal species in near-natural habitats. About 4,000 animals serve as ambassadors for their fellows in the wild. A nature conservation centre involved in international breeding programmes and resettlement projects – that's what Zurich Zoo is all about.


 From the Himalayas and South American grasslands to the Masoala Rainforest hall and the Kaeng Krachan Elephant Park, ecosystems have been created here to allow the animals – including endangered species – to roam free over wide areas A petting zoo also enables close contact between people and native livestock as well as domesticated animals.

 In the middle of the 20th century, under the management of zoo director Heini Hediger, who invented information panels and mixed keeping of animals, the zoo became one of the first scientifically run zoological gardens. To this day, Zurich Zoo continues to be actively involved in nature conservancy and in international breeding programs.

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